Dumpster Fire 2020

Dumpster Fire of a Year

So we all know by this time that this year is pretty much a waste. We are under a global pandemic; we are under racial tensions that have not been seen since the 1960’s, and a political season that is like no other. This year is in fact a dumpster fire of epic proportions. The west coast of the United States is on fire, the South is being flooded by hurricanes and tropical storms, and the east coast is dealing with the floodwaters from the storms as well. It is a mess all the way around anyway you look at it. 

It is so easy to focus on all the bad; it surrounds us from the mainstream media to videos online it’s all there for you’re to consume. If you already struggle with depression and anxiety, I am going to bet that it has increased two fold because of all the terrible news that is encompassing us. That is one thing that I have noticed, everything has a negative slant to it even things that are supposed to bring us joy. There is just no escaping the fire that burns throughout the world. It would be nice if you could just truly block it all out but sadly you are faced with it every time you walk out of your house. Everyone has a mask on to help with getting rid of the virus that has caused the pandemic, so you see it everywhere you go there are reminders at every turn. 

The craziness of the world at the moment has led to a political frenzy. People are making everything a left and right issue. You can’t have a simple opinion on any subject without someone making it have a political meaning. In my lifetime, which isn’t that long but still, I have never seen such divisiveness that spreads across the globe. Other countries are getting involved with the election process of the United States; they are giving their opinion on things that they know nothing about because that is just how political things have become. A great example is the pedophile rings that are active across the world, they have now become a political prop and people are making up horrible facts about one another claiming that each side are supporting these rings. This is a subject that should never be political, it should be a bi-partisan effort to stop these rings and save the kids. 

I struggle with all the politics that are coming up at every turn. Families are splitting apart over this, friendships are ending, and no one seems to be able to put aside their beliefs to remember why they are family and what made their friendships so great. As much as I miss my dad I am so thankful that he is not on this earth to see how people are acting. He would be so disappointed in so many people and how they are behaving. I would love to have him here so that I could consult with him on things, but I know that he is so much better off not having to see people act this way. I can only imagine the sermons he would be preaching in these days. 

I know that a lot of people are reading scripture and talking about the end times. I want you to remember that God said no one would know the day or the time that Jesus was to come back. I realize that is a hard thing for some that think they are super smart and know exactly what God meant in the writings of men, but truly no one knows when the second coming is going to be. I understand that it is tempting to try to figure it all out, however man doesn’t know. So in this year of the dumpster fire, instead of fighting and being divided let’s get together no matter the political side you fall on and love one another for the unique, amazing people we are. Reach out and help your neighbors stand tall, help those that have lost their jobs, help the single mothers, now is the time that we should be the church and show everyone God’s love for them. Stand up, be the church, reach out, and most of all love everyone right where they are.