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Photo by Tim Mossholder on

Word of the New Year

Ok so instead of resolutions which I know I’ll break within a few days of making them, I choose a word for each new year. So this year I wasn’t even sure I wanted to pick a word after the last two years that I’ve had as well as the world as a whole. I thought long and hard about how things have gone for me the last year and I thought I can change this in small ways. I am still not getting out and running around but I can change my attitude, I can change how I view the world around me, and I can change how I respond to the world. 

I took a few of those quizzes online to help you pick a word or phrase for your new year. I kept seeing the same word in its various forms, so I was like okay that must be the word I am supposed to use and attach to for the new year. It seemed like a weird word to me to have as my word of the year, I was just not feeling attached to it and I will be honest I wasn’t sure of its true definition. The word was create, creativity, and creation; all I could think of was the idea of having to make something, which you can see why I thought it was a weird word for the year. 

I ended up looking up the actual definition because I needed to know why this word insisted on being my word. So the true definition of create is to bring something into existence; to cause something to happen as a result of one’s actions; the act of producing or causing to exist; newness or innovation; to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes; to evolve from one’s own thought or imagination; to do something constructive and/or to give rise to and produce. With these definitions I can see why create insisted on being my word this year, there is a lot more to the word than I could have imagined.

This year my word is CREATE and I am going to use it to fullest extent of what it truly means. I can create things for you to see, touch, and feel, but I want to create something that is unique to me and you. I am going to have to meditate on the word, pray on the word, and figure out just how the word create is going to impact my life this up coming year. So tell me, what is your word of the new year or if you make resolutions what are they for the new year? I hope each and everyone of you have a blessed and happy new year this year!