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Researching for My Honorary M.D.

As my G-POEM surgery draws closer I have found myself down a deep, long, and winding rabbit hole. I feel like at this point I could have M.D. behind my name (LOL I know I know it takes a ton to get those initials I am just exaggerating about my rabbit hole)

But seriously, I have read so many research articles, medical journal articles, medical research items, and so much more. I have been wanting to try and figure out the source of all my autoimmune diseases, illnesses, and issues. I have always felt there was a connection between all of them and there had to be a reason I had developed them. Most doctors have told me that there wasn’t much of a connection that could be made medically at the time, I have always disagreed with this because deep down I knew there was something there, it just had to be.

I understand that doctors today can’t speculate even if they truly feel there is a connection because of how the medical field is monitored and how people will sue over anything. It’s frustrating to me and I am sure it is to the doctors as well. That all being said, I decided I had to research and see what is being done in the world and what is being “speculated” in the medical community. 

I have found research and articles that are showing how many of my diseases/illnesses are actually related to one another and how they “play” off each other or with one another. There seems to be solid findings that Multiple Sclerosis is the major cause for a lot of what is going on within me. 

I have had issues my entire life, I am talking from the time I was a baby, things were presenting themselves almost daily. My parents would take me to doctor after doctor and they concluded nothing was truly wrong. The thing was, back when I was younger there was not much thought in the medical community that a child could have developed a neurological disease such as MS. I have been told by two neurologists that it seems I did present with MS as a young child from the history they have reviewed, but it was not diagnosed until I was well into adulthood. 

With all this being said, I am actually extremely grateful for all the medical research that is being done now about how all the autoimmune diseases and illnesses I experience are correlated. I am still learning everyday how to live with all my diseases and illnesses but I am thankful that there seems to be a connection and that the connection explains why I have developed all the issues I have. I am not going to lie, every day is a challenge and it has been an uphill battle lately and there are times that I really, truly want to give up and give in to what is happening but there is something deep down that drives me to keep going and not give up; for that I am thankful. 

So even after my surgery, whether it is successful or not, I will continue to research, to learn, and to live with what is going on with me. So here’s to getting my honorary M.D. through google research LOL.