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Insomnia is the Worst!
I’m dealing with a horrible bout of insomnia…. literally my days and nights are totally mixed up. My brain thinks the night is when I should be up and doing things and moving around and the day time is when I need to be snuggled deep in the bed and sleeping all the pain away. UGH! The brain is an interesting organ and it controls so much that we don’t even realize. If there is ever trauma to the brain people have to work to relearn things that the brain controls. You don’t think that diseases such as MS actually are causing trauma to the brain but they are. These types of diseases affect the brain because they are causing places on the brain to become black holes, which is just what you think it is where there are actual black holes that cannot be repaired.
I have several black holes on my brain that can be seen via MRI and they are places where I can never recall those memories that were stored there. The brain can relearn previous functions in other parts of it because it is just that smart. Memoires unfortunately can’t be found though. You can relearn the memory from others that experienced it but it is not the original you once had. Then you have the brain dealing with insomnia and all that entails. Insomnia leads to a lot of health issues that you might not realize. It can lead to extremely high blood pressure which comes with its own issues right there. Insomnia can lead to type two diabetes, depression, weight gain, and obesity. Insomnia can also lead to memory issues and concentration issues. While those don’t seem so terrible it can lead a person to drive while sleepy and that can cause issues comparable to drunk driving. They tell you never to sign important documents after you have had surgery thanks to the anesthesia and it is the same with insomnia. You have that type of lapse of memory when you lack sleep or your sleep is disturbed.
I already deal with all of the above and the insomnia is just making each thing worse. I am forgetting things like what day it is, what I am supposed to be doing, to eat, to take my medicine on time, all type of things. I have tried the usually things they tell you for insomnia, to take a warm bath right before bed, to not drink or eat right before bed, to take medicine that will help you sleep (I have prescribed meds for this and they aren’t working). They tell you to let the bedroom be a few degrees cooler than the rest of the house, which we do. We have the bed made to our liking, the perfect pillows, etc. I am to the point where I am thinking I am going to have to stay up all night one night and stay up all day the next day and restructure my days and nights. Insomnia is so frustrating and it’s the worst!