A New Year, New Words

As we go into a brand new year, I am claiming a word for the year instead of any resolutions. I claimed a word last year and I’ll be honest, I didn’t honor that word for much of the year. Last year was a bad year in terms of my health and my grief process. During those two issues I didn’t fulfill what I wanted from the year and I basically forgot about the word and it’s meaning. So I am pledging right now on the 2ndday of a new month in the New Year that I am going to claim 2 words for the year. Yes I said two words because if I couldn’t stick to one why not throw two at myself to claim? I mean come on if I am going to do it I want to do it big. 

            So this year my two words are Abundance and Joy. Now I know you are thinking, wait those two words don’t really mesh well together if you look at them at face value.  Hear me out though, these two words represent an entire spectrum of feelings, emotions, business opportunities, life changes and choices, these words take the gamut of all of those very vital things. I am thinking that in this New Year I am going to claim Abundance in terms of having a lot to give. I want to have an Abundance of knowledge to share with others about my chronic illness life, I want an Abundance of goods that I can share with others in need, and I want an Abundance of wealth so that I am able to provide for my family and my friends. I think we think that having abundance is such a bad thing and that makes us greedy if we state that we want it in life. I disagree because if we are honest with ourselves we know that money does help people and ourselves in this life. Money is needed to research a cure for one of my many illnesses, it is needed to provide housing (shelter) to those out in the storms, and it is needed to help feed one another. That is the simple facts, money matters and it is not a bad thing to want it and to use it for good. 

            After I gain all my Abundance I want to do it with Joy. Joy is defined as a state of happiness or bliss. I want to do everything in my life with Joy; I want everyone to see Joy seep out of me even when I am down in the dumps with my illnesses. I want whatever I do in my life to be done with the act of Joy, I want everyone to see the Joy on my face when I talk about my illnesses because that is not what you see very often. I get that these are hard on us, I get that the end seems closer than ever for us, but I also know that there is a reason that we have this and we need to seek the Joy in that. I will be honest, that is gong to be the hardest thing I think I will ever do is to find the Joy in my illnesses. There truly isn’t much to be joyful about if you really look at what is wrong, but I think that if I can find the Joy in this then I can find the Joy in any life circumstance and I think that is what I need more of in my life. 

            I want everyone to find Joy and have Abundance. I want us all to come together to fight the good fight and let’s love on one another in the process. Now these might now be your words for the year, you pick what speaks to you. It is never to late to find your word or words, pray on it, meditate on it them and then go out and live them to the best of your ability. I plan on finding Joy in being home sick with the flu, and I also plan to claim abundance in that I saved money that I was able to donate with having good insurance that paid for my doctor’s visit. See even in dire circumstances I still found the joy and was able to claim the abundance for a much better use. That right there is the start of what I am claiming is my year of Abundance and Joy! So what’s your word(s) for the New Year?