Understanding CVID:

            CVID (Common Variable Immune Deficiency) is defined as a disorder that impairs the immune system. If someone has CVID they are highly susceptible to infection that come from any foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, and anything that can be considered an intruder to the body especially the immune system. Low antibodies levels in theimmunoglobulin(Ig) types such as IgG, IgA. Now I am not going to get into all those and what each means because it’s very scientific and can get confusing. So in reality CVID wrecks ones immune system and doesn’t allow them to fight off anything that comes their way. A simple cold can send us into the hospital and become pneumonia just as quickly as it was a cold. Someone with CVID is more susceptible to have recurrent infections throughout their body but especially the lungs, ears, and sinus. In dealing with this disorder people are more likely to have another autoimmune disorder such as arthritis, MS, Lupus, things in that nature. This disease affects 1 in 25,000 in the U.S. and 1 in 50,000 worldwide. It is considered a rare disease because of the numbers that are affected. 

            There is no real known cause of the disorder but most doctors and researchers believe it is a genetic mutation of the immune cells, specially the B-cells that are located in the blood stream and fight off infections. In order to be diagnosed a doctor must run immune tests to figure out which IGG levels are irregular and nonexistent. After the tests are run, then the patient is put on immune saving drugs. These drugs are consisting of human plasma that is donated by those with healthy immune systems. The plasma is then made so that it is universally accepted by the majority of patients; patients who have to have this life saving plasma. The plasma is administered either by the patient themselves once a week or by a nurse once a month. I have done both the self-injection and the nurse infusion. I personally prefer the once a month dose since I feel like it last longer. No matter which a patient prefers one thing is true, without this life saving plasma we wouldn’t be here and we would pass away a lot sooner. So I plead with you, if you are healthy please consider donating plasma so those of us with CVID can live our best life.