Battling Your Own Body

So lately I have been having an internal battle within myself. It is not one of conscious but one of actual battling of the entire workings of the body itself. See I have several autoimmune diseases that all cause different things to react, they also cause my body to fight against itself. Each disease sees different parts of my body as an invader even though it is supposed to be there, so it will attack whatever it sees as the enemy. This is frustrating beyond anything I could describe to you.

So here lately my diseases have decided that they are going to wage war against my stomach. They have said that the stomach is their number one enemy and they are going to do everything in their power to kill it off. Well just one problem, I kind of need my stomach! I can’t convince the diseases of that point though, they are ready to wage war until they get the outcome of death of their enemy. Well, Thursday of last week, my diseases ganged up together and declared an all out war on the stomach.

I was getting sick over and over, nothing was stopping it. I tried to fight it myself and take over the counter medications and medicines that I have been prescribed. Nothing was going to stop this war though. I just laid there while my body battled my stomach for a few days. I finally got to the point that I was truly scared something was going to happen and I was going to finally succumb and die. Off I went to the emergency room. Luckily they are used to seeing me there and knew just what to do.


Thankfully I was able to get medicine through an IV and I was not admitted to the hospital this go around. I truly was hoping that I wouldn’t have to visit the E.R. or the hospital this entire month since all last month was spent at one or the other. My body had other plans though, so I went to the E.R. to get fixed up and to stop the war going on inside me. I am so thankful that I am able to have a place to go to get help. I couldn’t be more thankful for my mom, my brother, and my husband for taking care of me through it all.


So here’s to hoping for better days in the future! I won’t let this mess beat me no matter how often we go to war!