My mission statement for life is that I will be an empathetic and successful woman who uses my raw life experiences to inspire the world around me! I live by five basic values that center around spirituality, loyalty, determination, empathy, and courage. I am getting back to that Gypsy life I so love and wanting to show others that they can take that idea of life and create their own happiness and well being.
I am a Gypsy by nature in that I live by my own terms, my heart and soul are wild and free, and I’m happy in my own little world because I know exactly how I need and want things to be! I am a Rebel by fault because I am going to do things how I think they should be done, even if it’s the hardest way to do it, I’ve got to figure that out myself! I am a Queen because I know I deserve the very best of out life and will not settle for anything less than that.

I love all things BLING, whether it be diamonds, gemstones, glitter, or rhinestones. After all as Ms. Dolly says: “It’s hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world!” But no matter how the glitz comes though, I’ll take it in whatever form!
I collect and wear cowboy boots most of the time and if I’m not wearing the boots then you’ll catch me wearing rhinestoned, blinged out flip flops; if I can’t wear either of those where I’m invited, then I’m not going!
My sweet spirit animal is a cow, and I have decorated with them throughout my house as a reminder of just what they mean to me. The cow represents a giving spirit, stability, generosity, solidarity, and a loving growth-oriented relationship within your self and in others. Cows also represent the origins of life, serenity, steadfastness, standing in their uniqueness and power, compassion and are a representation of the empath(I am a deep empath).
I advocate for many autoimmune diseases/illnesses such as : MS, CVID, PCOS, FIBRO, MCAS, ASTHMA, GI ISSUES, DIABETES, DYSAUTONOMIA, MIGRAINES, DEPRESSION/ANXIETY, OCD, Gastroparesis, and any other autoimmune disease that I may be diagnosed with, and learning to love yourself just as you are at this very moment in time!
I am a body positive advocate and I think everyone should love themselves not matter what the outer appearance looks like, which I know is a lot easier said than done, but I believe we should practice self-love all the time. Now, I do love playing around with makeup and I love to try new looks most everyday that I am feeling up to it. If I can help anyone love themselves for who they are and not simply follow the crowd then I feel like the world has become a better place! I believe almost every person should be given empathy and be inspired by the world around them! Stand out, do your thing, live your life how you want, be an individual, add a bit of bling, some mascara and you’re good to go!
Overall I am my own worst enemy, but I am also my own best friend. I have an amazing family that I love more than my life. I have a husband that treats like I am the only Queen left in the world, I don’t deserve him but I have him and I won’t ever let him go. I am extremely blessed in my life that I am right where I want to be with the people that I love!
I hope that I can help you find the GLAM while dealing with chronic illnesses or whatever it is in this life that might get you down. There is Glam to be found in everyday life, so let’s discover it together!